Sunday, September 23, 2007

New TV Season: What to watch?

After a Summer chock-full of new programming, the Fall TV season doesn't feel as special as it used to. In fact, I'm kind of resentful about having to figure out what's on my Must See list. Complicating matters is the fact that I only have basic cable and no DVRs to help me, just two TVs and VCRs. Fortunately, my mother has premium satellite and a DVR, so I can catch up when I visit.

I was already torn between whether to watch "How I Met Your Mother" or "Prison Break" live (HIMYM won), but now they throw "Chuck" in the mix, which looks like my kind of show. "Prison Break" may be regulated to my "I'll watch it if it gets FauxTiVoed at my parents' house and I have time" list. And should I even bother with "The Big Bang Theory"? I want to support "Aliens in America", but I only have so ways to record TV at my house.

9:00 is no contest. I'd watch "Heroes" no matter what. But what about "K-ville"? I wasn't blown away by the first episode, but it was okay. I'd feel kind of guilty about not watching a show shot in New Orleans. Maybe I'll tape and watch it later. And what about "Samantha Who?", which doesn't premiere for a few weeks? It looks cute, but there are only so many hours. "Journeyman" looks interesting, but would my time be better served by watching the previously mentioned pre-recorded "Chuck" at that time?

"Bones" and "House" will always be on my Watch Live list, if I'm how that is. I have class on Tuesdays, and afterwards I work out with a friend. I'll be lucky to make it home by 9:00. It's sad that I'm a little torn about this. Fitness and friendship will prevail over TV, but just barely. I'll be recording "Reaper", and while "Cane" may be worthwhile, I just don't think I have time. "Law and Order: SVU" is, as always, on my Oh, Look L&O:SVU is On Maybe I'll Watch It list. It's not what I consider Must See TV, but somehow I always end up watching.

I'll be watching (or taping, I can't decide) "Kid Nation." I finally got around to watching it with my mother at her place, and we both enjoyed it. It may be DVR show we'll watch together on the weekend. I'll give "Pushing Daisies" a try. I'm going to at least check out "Bionic Woman" and "Life".

I would have loved "Ugly Betty" if I had watched it, which is why I never watched it. I'll be watching NBC's comedy line-up ("My Name is Earl", "The Office", "30 Rock", "Scrubs") but likely not "ER." "Grey's Anatomy" has been demoted to my Watch Later list, and "Smallville" is off altogether.

I'm going to try to stick with "Friday Lights" only. There may be over worthy shows (and I watch the premier of "Moonlight"), but I have to take a stand someplace. I'm going to wean myself off "Stargate: Atlantis." "Doctor Who" is almost finished for the season, and I'll probably buy the series anyway.

Catch-up day for programming I didn't watch during the week, including the great "Hotel Babylon" on BBCA. There is "Torchwood" also on BBCA, which I'll watch when I can.

I suppose I'll watch "Desperate Housewives" live, although I'll be tempted to watch Showtime's "Dexter" instead. I won't let myself watch anything else for fear that I will like it.

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